Mohammad Hatta Thanks hopefully Biography biography Biography and Profile Bung Hatta, he is the hero of the nation whose services eligible for recalls and we pray for his services during his service as an Indonesian national hero, And Then how the story of his life he Samasa you please be more familiar with man Hatta Hatta biographies. Mohammad Hatta was born on August 12, 1902 in Dublin. In a lovely little town Bung Hatta raised in his mother's family. His father, Haji Mohammad Djamil, died when she was eight months Hatta. From his mother, Hatta has six sisters. He was the son only. Since sitting on MULO in Padang, he has been interested in the movement. Since 1916, youth associations arise as Jong Java, Jong Sumatranen Bond, Jong Minahasa. and Jong Ambon. Hatta get into clubs Jong Sumatranen Bond. As treasurer Jong Sumatranen Bond, he realized the importance of financial sense for his association. However, the financial resources of both membership dues and donations from outside is possible only if the current members have a sense of responsibility and discipline. Sense of responsibility and discipline further characterize the properties of Mohammad Hatta.
The period of study in the NetherlandsIn 1921 Hatta arrived in the Netherlands to study at Handels Hoge School in Rotterdam. He signed up as a member of Vereniging Indies. In 1922, the association changed its name to Indonesische Vereniging. Society who refused to cooperate with the Dutch was then renamed again to the Association of Indonesia (PI). Hatta also see to it that the magazine assembly, Poetra Indies, appear regularly as a basic bond between members. In 1924 the magazine changed its name to Indonesia independent. Hatta pass the exam handels Economie (economic trade) in 1923. Originally he intended doctoral exams in economic science at the end of 1925. Therefore in 1924 he was active in the non-PI. But when it opened a new department, which state law and administrative law. Hatta also entered the department was encouraged by the great interest in politics.
The extension study plan that allows Hatta was elected Chairman of the PI on January 17, 1926. On that occasion, he spoke inauguration speech, entitled "Economische Wereldbouw en Machtstegenstellingen" - World Economic Structure and the Conflicts of power. He tried to analyze the structure of the world economy, and based on that, pointing to a non-cooperative foundation of wisdom. From 1926 to 1930, respectively Hatta elected as Chairman of the PI. Under his leadership, the PI developed from sororities used to be the political organization of the people who influence the course of politics in Indonesia. So finally recognized by the National Political Association Pemufakatan Indonesia (GN) PI as outposts of the national movements in Europe. PI active propaganda outside the Netherlands. Almost every international congress in Europe entered, and received the association. During that time, almost always Hatta himself who led the delegation.
In 1926, with the aim of introducing the name "Indonesia", Hatta led a delegation to the International Congress for Peace Democracy Bierville, France. Without much opposition, "Indonesia" was officially recognized by Congress. The name "Indonesia" to mention the Dutch East Indies when it was a really well known among international organizations. Hatta and Indonesian nationalist movement got important experience in the League Against Imperialism and Colonial Oppression, an international congress held in Brussels on 10-15 February 1927. At this congress Hatta acquainted with the leaders of the labor movement as G. Ledebour and Edo Fimmen, as well as figures who later became statesmen in Asia and Africa such as Jawaharlal Nehru (India), Hafiz Ramadan Bey (Egypt), and Senghor (Africa). His personal friendship with Nehru started since then.In 1927 also, Hatta and Nehru invited to give lectures for the "International Women's League for Peace and Freedom" in Gland, Switzerland. Title lecture Hatta L 'Indonesie et son Probleme de I' Independence (Indonesia and the issue of Independence).
Along with Nazir St. Pamontjak, Sastroamidjojo Ali and Abdul Madjid Djojoadiningrat, Hatta was jailed for five and a half months. On March 22, 1928, the court in The Hague freed four of all charges. In a historic session, Hatta argued that awesome defense speech, later published as a pamphlet by the name "Indonesia Vrij", and then translated into Indonesian as a book with the title of independent Indonesia.Between the years 1930-1931, Hatta concentrate on his studies and writing essays for magazines Daulat Ra'jat and sometimes De Socialist. He planned to end his studies in mid-1932. Back to the MotherlandIn July 1932, Hatta successfully completed his studies in the Netherlands and a month later he arrived in Jakarta. Between late 1932 and 1933, the main bustle Hatta was written various articles on political and economic to Daulat Ra'jat and perform a variety of political activities, especially the education of political cadres in the Party of National Education of Indonesia. The principle of non-cooperation is stressed to its cadres.
Hatta harsh reaction against Sukarno attitude with respect to the holder by the Dutch colonial government, which ended with the removal of Sukarno to Ende, Flores, seen in his writings in Daulat Ra'jat, entitled "Soekarno Detained" (August 10, 1933), "Tragedy Sukarno "(30 November 1933), and" Attitudes Leaders "(December 10, 1933). In February 1934, after Sukarno exiled to Ende, the Dutch colonial government turned its attention to the Party of National Education of Indonesia. The leadership of the Party of National Education Indonesia arrested and then exiled to Digoel. A total of seven people. From the Jakarta office was Mohammad Hatta, Sutan Sjahrir, and Bondan. From London office: Maskun Sumadiredja, Burhanuddin, Soeka, and Murwoto. Prior to Digoel, they were imprisoned for nearly a year in prison and Cipinang Glodok, Jakarta. In Glodok prison, Hatta wrote a book titled "The Economic Crisis and Capitalism".
The ExileIn January 1935, Hatta and his friends arrived in Tanah Merah, Digoel (Papua). The head of government there, Captain van Langen, offers two options: to work for the colonial government to pay 40 cents a day in the hope will be sent back to their home, or being outcast by receiving food in kind, with no hope of repatriated to their hometown . Hatta said, when he worked for the colonial government when he was still in Jakarta, must have been a great man with a great salary as well. So it is not necessary for him to become porters Tanah Merah paying 40 cents a day. In captivity, Hatta regularly write articles for the newspaper view. Honorarium enough to live in Tanah Merah and he can also help his friends. His home in Digoel filled his books specially brought from Jakarta as many as 16 crates. Thus, Hatta has enough material to give lessons to his comrades in exile on economics, history, and philosophy. Collection of learning materials were later recorded with titles such as, "Introduction to Road Science and Knowledge" and "Natural Greek Thought." (Four volumes). In December 1935, Captain Wiarda, a replacement van Langen, announced that the disposal Hatta and Sjahrir moved to Bandaneira. In January 1936 they went to Bandaneira. They met Dr. Tjipto Mangunkusumo and Mr. Iwa Kusumasumantri. In Bandaneira, Hatta and Sjahrir able to mix freely with the locals and to teach the local children in the fields of history, bookkeeping, politics, and so on.
Return to Java: The Japanese OccupationOn 3 February 1942, Hatta and Sjahrir brought to Sukabumi. On March 9, 1942, the Dutch surrendered to the Japanese, and on March 22, 1942 Hatta and Sjahrir brought to Jakarta. During the Japanese occupation, Hatta was asked to work as an advisor. Hatta said about the ideals of the Indonesian people for independence, and he asked if Japan would colonize Indonesia? Daily while the head of government, Major General Harada. replied that Japan would not invade. But Hatta know, that Indonesia's Independence in Japan is different from understanding its own terms. Recognition of Independence of Indonesia by Japan's need for Hatta as a weapon against the Allies in the future. When the Japanese fascists want to admit, is a democratic ally would not? That's why the Japanese always didesaknya to give such recognition, newly acquired in September 1944.
During the Japanese occupation, Hatta did not talk much. But the speech made at the Field Ikada (now Freedom Square) on December 8, 1942 tanggaI electrify many circles. He said, "Indonesiaregardless of colonization of Dutch imperialism. And therefore he did not want to be a colony again. Young and old to feel this sharp-sharp. For the youth of Indonesia, he Iebih like to see Indonesia sinking into the sea rather than have it as a colony of the back. "Proclamation In early August 1945, the Committee of Inquiry Efforts Preparation of Indonesian Independence was replaced by the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence, with Sukarno as chairman and Mohammad Hatta as Vice-Chairman. Its members consist of representatives of regions throughout Indonesia, Java and nine of twelve people from outside Java.
On the night of 16 August 1945, the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence proclamation at a meeting to prepare at home Admiral Maeda (JI Imam Bonjol, now), which ended at 03.00 am the next day. Small committee consisting of five persons, namely Soekarno, Hatta, Soebardjo, Soekarni, and Sayuti Malik split off into a room to compose the text of the proclamation of independence. Soekarno Hatta requested compose a quick proclamation. Soekarno Hatta suggested that wrote the words dictated. After the job was finished. they took him to the living room, where the other members are waiting. Soekarni proposed that the text of the proclamation is signed by two people, Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta. All present welcomed the boisterous clapping.The date August 17, 1945, Indonesia's independence was proclaimed by Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta on behalf of the Indonesian nation, right at 10:00 am at East 56th Street Pengangsaan Jakarta. Dated August 18, 1945, Ir Soekarno was appointed as the President of the Republic of Indonesia and Drs. Mohammad Hatta was appointed Deputy President of the Republic of Indonesia. Soekardjo Wijopranoto argued that the President and Vice President should be a duumvirate. Maintaining Independence Period IndonesiaIndonesia should maintain its independence from the Dutch Government's effort to re-colonize. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia moved from Jakarta to Yogyakarta. Twice negotiations with the Dutch led to the Treaty Linggarjati and Reville, but it always ended in failure due to cheating the Dutch.
To seek support abroad, in July I947, Bung Hatta went to India to see Jawaharlal Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi. by masquerading as a co-pilot named Abdullah (The pilot is Biju Patnaik who later became Minister of Steel India in the government of Prime Minister Morarji Desai). Nehru promised, India can help Indonesia to protest to the UN resolution that condemned the Netherlands. And threats facing hardship after another. September 1948 PKI rebellion. December 19, 1948, the Dutch returned a second aggression. President and Vice President captured and exiled to Bangka. But the people of Indonesia struggle to maintain independence continues raging everywhere. Commander Soediman continue to lead the armed struggle.
On December 27, 1949 in Den Haag, Bung Hatta, who chaired the Indonesian delegation to the Round Table Conference to receive the recognition of Indonesian sovereignty of Queen Juliana. Bung Hatta also the Prime Minister of the Republic of Indonesia States while standing. Furthermore, after the RIS to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, Bung Hatta returned to the Vice President. Period 1950-1956During her time as Vice President, Bung Hatta remained active giving lectures at various institutions of higher education. He also continued to write various essays and scholarly books in economics and cooperatives. He also actively guiding the cooperative movement to implement the ideals in the conception of the economy. Dated July 12, 1951, Bung Hatta radio speech to welcome the Day of Cooperatives in Indonesia. Because besamya Bung Hatta activity in the cooperative movement, then on July 17, 1953 he was appointed as the father of the Indonesian Cooperatives Cooperatives Congress Indonesia in Bandung. Bung Hatta thoughts about cooperatives, among others, outlined in his book, Building Cooperatives and Cooperative Building (1971).
In 1955, Bung Hatta announced that if the parliament and the Constituent choice of the people has been formed, he will resign as Vice President. It was his intention to resign diberitahukannya through a letter to the chairman of Parliament, Mr. Sartono. Copies of the letter sent to President Soekarno. After the Constituent Assembly officially opened by the President, Vice-President Hatta told the Speaker that on l December 1956 he would put his position as Vice President. President Sukarno tried to stop, but the Bung Hatta remained at its founding. On date 27 November 1956, he received an honorary degree of Doctor Honoris Causa academic in jurisprudence from the University of Gajah Mada in Yoyakarta. On that occasion, Bung Hatta inaugural speech entitled "Past and Coming". After Bung Hatta resigned as Vice President, also earned several academic degrees from various universities. Padjadjaran University in Bandung confirmed Bung Hatta as a professor in political science economy. Hasanuddin University in Ujungpandang give Doctor Honoris Causa degree in Economics.
University of Indonesia to give the title Doctor Honoris Causa in the field of law. Bung Hatta inaugural speech titled "Towards the Rule of Law". In 1960 Bung Hatta wrote "Our Democracy" in the banner of People magazine. A paper known for highlight the views and thoughts of Bung Hatta on the development of democracy in Indonesia at that time. In the New Order government, Bung Hatta over an elder statesman for his people than a politician. Hatta Rahmi married to Rachim on November l8, 1945 in the village of Megamendung, Bogor, West Java. They have three daughters, Meutia Farida, Gemala Rabi'a, and Halide Fatma. The two oldest daughters are married. The first with Dr. Sri-Edi Swasono and the second with Drs. Mohammad Chalil Baridjambek. Hatta had witnessed the birth of two grandchildren, namely Sri Juwita Hanum Swasono and Mohammad Athar Baridjambek. On August 15, 1972, President Soeharto convey to the Bung Hatta gift form the highest mark of Honor "Star of the Republic of Indonesia Class I" in a state ceremony at the State Palace.Bung Hatta, Proclaimers of Independence and First Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, died on March 14, 1980 at the Dr. Tjipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, at the age of 77 years and was interred in the cemetery Land coachman on March 15, 1980.
Here's Biography of Mohammad HattaName: Dr. Mohammad Hatta (Bung Hatta)Born: Dublin, August 12, 1902Died: Jakarta, March 14, 1980Wife: (the late) Rahmi RachimChildren: * Meutia Farida* Gemala* Halides NuriahDegree Heroes: Heroes Proclaimers RI in 1986Education:* Europese Largere School (ELS) in Dublin (1916)* Meer Uirgebreid Lagere School (MULO) in Padang (1919)* Handel Middlebare School (Trade School), Jakarta (1921)* Degree of Drs Handelshogeschool Nederland, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (1932)Career: *Treasurer Jong Sumatranen Bond, Padang (1916-1919)* Treasurer Jong Sumatranen Bond, Jakarta (1920-1921)* Chairman of the Indonesian Association in the Netherlands (1925-1930)* Representative of the Indonesian delegation to the League Against Imperialism movement and colonization, Berlin (1927-1931)* Chairman of the Committee (New PNI) National Education of Indonesia (1934-1935)* Office of the Chief Counsel at Bala The Japanese government (April 1942)* Member Investigation Agency Independence Preparation Efforts (May 1945)* Vice Chairman of the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence (August 7, 1945)* Proclaimer of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia (August 17, 1945)* First Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia (August 18, 1945)* Vice President cum Prime Minister and Minister of Defense (January 1948 - December 1949)* Chairman of the Indonesian delegation to the Round Table Conference in The Hague and received a transfer of sovereignty of Queen Juliana (1949)* Vice President cum Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Cabinet of the Republic of Indonesia (December 1949 - August 1950)* Lecturer in Sesko Army, London (1951-1961)* Lecturer at the University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta (1954-1959)* Advisor to the President and the Advisory Committee on the issue of corruption IV (1969)* Chairman of the Committee of Five in charge of providing interpretation of the formulation of Pancasila (1975)
Minggu, 08 Juni 2014
Diposting oleh riskisurakhman di 23.39 0 komentar
Selasa, 29 April 2014
Business Coal In Indonesian (Tugas Softskill Ke-2)
Business Coal In Indonesian
Indonesia and China are two countries that have a large enough potential energy resources, one of which is coal. If China with a production of 1 billion tons / year is used to meet domestic demand, and even remains to be imported, while Indonesia with a production of only 330 million tonnes , only 70 million tonnes are used for domestic consumption.
"Based on the energy outlook released BPPT, Indonesia's energy use in the future will be dominated by coal. Therefore no longer relevant for Indonesia to continue to export coal , but it should be utilized for domestic consumption, "said Chairman of BPPT, Marzan A Iskandar Indonesia at the China Coal Summit ( ICCS ) 2013 in Bali ( 19/3 ). Head of BPPT also confirmed that Indonesia's future requires new technology exploration and management of clean coal . "In the future our energy sources will be dominated by coal , but coal has many problems such as environmental pollution, because it is very important to find a wide range of technologies related to clean coal, "he explained”.
Meanwhile, on the quality, Marzan mentioned that 60 % of the total coal resources in Indonesia manifold bituminous coals (lignite), so it is necessary to process them before the technology used for both power generation and other purposes. " To be able to elaborate on all the things it needs cooperation with other parties such as China, Japan and Korea, " he said . In addition it should be emphasized indications of a reduction in Indonesian coal exports in the future, should also be submitted to the prospect of developing new technologies related to the processing of coal in Indonesian. Head of BPPT believe that the next opportunity coal processing industry will continue to grow. Starting from the simplest of reducing the moisture content of coal, bracketing to perform more advanced coal gasification and liquefaction is coal.
So that is also used for power generation, coal can also be used for the transportation sector. " Because it is through this forum we invite both partners from China, Japan and Korea to see the conditions in Indonesia coal good relations with China and other countries today and in the future, as well as identifying new opportunities in the coal business. Thus can take advantage of Indonesia's future coal as optimal as possible to support the development of national economy, "said Marzan. In line with the Head of BPPT BPPT Deputy Chief Information Technology , Energy and Materials (Tiem), Superior Priyanto said although it needs Indonesia's future coal more be high, but actually it is not offset by the amount of coal reserves owned.
Judging from the number of quality coal (bituminous and subbituminous), Indonesia only has 0.5 % of world reserves. "This is because although we reserve large enough overall, but 60 % of them are of low rank coal. Therefore we must be prudent in their use, "he explained”. Meanwhile, according to former Foreign Affairs Minister, Hassan Wirajuda, Indonesian Chinese cooperation is essential not only to do with energy security, but can also be pursued as an effort to stability of supply and demand of energy. In addition to the two countries whose economies have grown well, such cooperation can also increase research and technology efforts and investments in energy.
As for now, the Indonesian coal exports to China has met 40 percent of coal imports Bamboo Curtain country. Predicted Indonesian coal exports will continue to increase in the future. Estimates were mainly driven by China's demand for coal approximately 4.5 billion tons in 2020. "Indonesian coal production reached 500 million tons in 2020 and is predicted to remain a leader in the global coal trade up to the next 10 years, "said Tri Marjoko, Head of Research and Development of the Ministry of Commerce.
Responding to China's role in this event, Honorary Chairman of the China Coal Transport and Distribution Association (CCTD) Caiying Liu said China and Indonesia are both important players for the major producer and consumer of coal. "Stability of supply and demand should still be maintained, "he said.
ICCS 2013 lasted for two days (19-20/3) and followed by 150 participants coming from Indonesia, China, Japan, Korea and India. Keynote speakers not only from governments but also businesses and academia , ICCS 2013 held in cooperation BPPT, K - Coal and Xinhua Infolink. Through cooperation with China, according to Superior is expected there will be an exchange and technology transfer, both related to coal gasification, coal upgrading technology and other mining. (Syra / PR).
Keep Coal Price Drops, Many Un follow Production Company
Jakarta - coal prices in the international market continues to fall. This makes a lot of coal company ceased operations and closed temporarily. "Currently, the coal mining sector in a critical condition due to continued decline in commodity prices of coal, " said Chairman of the Commercial Committee of the Indonesian Coal Mining Association (APBI) Pandu Sjahrir when met at Balai Kartini , Gatot Subroto, Wednesday (11/09/2013).
Pandu said coal commodity prices have been going on since 2012. Besides selling price down, the company also increased the cost of production.
"The prices of these commodities have fallen sharply since 2012 , and coupled with the increasing cost of production significantly," said Pandu.
According to him, the global Newcastle coal reference price fell from U.S. $ 132 per tonne in January 2011 to U.S. $ 77 per ton in August 2013. Price has been reduced by nearly half in only one year.
" With the situation of many companies holding IUP (Mining Permit) ceased operations and take efficient measures include having to lay off employees and reduce the number of layoffs aka ," said Pandu.
Added Pandu, but the coal companies that still survive to this day forced to take emergency measures.
" Emergency steps taken such as lowering the stripping ratio , which would certainly affect keberlanjkutan coal reserves in the future, other emergency measures to increase production to achieve economies of scale," said Pandu.
Not only that, a continued decline in commodity prices also have an impact on the coal mining business services industry or coal mining contractor.
" Carrying around 5,700 contractor employees who have been laid off in addition to the unused capacity (idle capacity) of equipment belonging to the contractor by 20-25 % , this will increase the potential for bad debts which would be detrimental to national banks, " said Pandu.
Jakarta - coal prices in the international market continues to fall. This makes a lot of coal company ceased operations and closed temporarily. "Currently, the coal mining sector in a critical condition due to continued decline in commodity prices of coal, " said Chairman of the Commercial Committee of the Indonesian Coal Mining Association (APBI) Pandu Sjahrir when met at Balai Kartini , Gatot Subroto, Wednesday (11/09/2013).
Pandu said coal commodity prices have been going on since 2012. Besides selling price down, the company also increased the cost of production.
"The prices of these commodities have fallen sharply since 2012 , and coupled with the increasing cost of production significantly," said Pandu.
According to him, the global Newcastle coal reference price fell from U.S. $ 132 per tonne in January 2011 to U.S. $ 77 per ton in August 2013. Price has been reduced by nearly half in only one year.
" With the situation of many companies holding IUP (Mining Permit) ceased operations and take efficient measures include having to lay off employees and reduce the number of layoffs aka ," said Pandu.
Added Pandu, but the coal companies that still survive to this day forced to take emergency measures.
" Emergency steps taken such as lowering the stripping ratio , which would certainly affect keberlanjkutan coal reserves in the future, other emergency measures to increase production to achieve economies of scale," said Pandu.
Not only that, a continued decline in commodity prices also have an impact on the coal mining business services industry or coal mining contractor.
" Carrying around 5,700 contractor employees who have been laid off in addition to the unused capacity (idle capacity) of equipment belonging to the contractor by 20-25 % , this will increase the potential for bad debts which would be detrimental to national banks, " said Pandu.
Diposting oleh riskisurakhman di 17.34 0 komentar
Minggu, 23 Maret 2014
Description of the passive voice
passive voice is accompanied tense verb III (past participle) that describes things done (by the
perpetrator). Sentences with intransitive verb
with the subject of
the verb behind the actors who perform an act. In
English the passive voice is used
when the sentence is more appropriate (suitable)
to say that the
goods carried focuses
on the perpetrators of such acts or if the perpetrator is unknown.
Passive voice
is the verb phrase
beginning with Di and Ter. In passive sentences all
three forms of the
verb use (past
participle). In the passive voice sentences or
the perpetrators of acts tool very often not mentioned. Said
auxiliary in the
passive voice should match the subject
is derived from
the passive object of a sentence (so not
in accordance with the word help in the subject of the active sentence).
Examples of Passive Sentences
Rice is eaten every day.
Milk is drunk every day.
The gate is locked every
night by them.
The lesson is being explained
by the teacher.
A story is being written by
the students.
Simon will be invited.
Form - the form
of the passive voice in the form
of tenses is as follows:
Passive Sentences in the Simple Present Form.
Passive sentences
in simple present using am / is / are + past participle. Examples of passive sentences in
simple present form as follows:
My birthday is celebrated at home.
Homes, food, and clothes are needed by people.
A lot of cars are imported from japan.
I’m invited to parties.
I am always followed by
Passive Sentences in the Past Tense Form.
Passive sentences
in Past Tense using was/were + past participle. Examples of passive sentences in Past Tense
form as follows:
The agreement was signed by them.
The party was enjoyed by everyone last night.
This house was renovated in 2005.
My pictures were taken by Steven.
The children were sent to school.
Hundreds of houses were damaged in the storm.
Passive Sentences in the Present Continuous Form.
Passive sentences
in Present
Continuous using am/is/are + being + past
participle. Examples of passive sentences
in form as
You are being looked at by them.
The guitar is being played by susan.
I am being trained now.
The trees are being cut down.
The bad boys are being questioned by the police
Your proposal is being considered by the committee.
Passive Sentences in Past Continuous
Passive sentences
in the form Past Continuous
use was / ware + being + past participle. Examples
of passive sentences in the past continuous
form as follows:
I was being taught at ten o’clock yesterday.
Dinner was being prepared when I arrived home.
We were being followed when we walked to the park.
The children were being advised when you went out.
You were being examined when we talked with a nurse.
The cake was being eaten by lucy when you were speaking on the phone.
The cat was being fed at seven yesterday morning.
Passive sentences in the Present Perfect Form.
Passive voice in the present perfect form using have / has been + past participle. Examples of passive voice in the present perfect form are as follows:
I have been bitten by a mosquito.
Five criminals have been arrested.
He has been warned about that.
The materials have been prepared.
Three snakes have been shot.
Passive sentences in Past Perfect Form.
Passive sentences in the past perfect using had been + past participle. Examples of passive sentences in the past perfect is as follows:
My horse had been bought by jhonson when you met us.
Paul told me that he had been hit by someone.
The women had been hurt when she reported to the
The wallet had been lost for two days when I found
The kitchen looked better
yesterday. It had been cleaned.
Passive Sentences in the Simple Future
Passive sentences in the simple future use shall / will be + past participle. Examples of passive sentences in the simple future form are as follows:
Guests will be brought to the party tomorrow night.
You will be asked a lot of questions at the interview.
Dinner will be served to the guests in ten minutes.
You will be sent your examination results as soon as they are ready.
I shall be advised about the price of the books.
We shall be met at the airport.
A decision will be made at the next meeting.
Passive Sentences In Shape Future Perfect.
Sentences in the future perfect passive use shall / will + have + been + past participle. Examples of passive sentences in the future perfect form are as follows:
The exercise will have been done by the end of the
Susan will have been woken up by midnight.
Tomorrow the rabbits will have been fed by six o’clock.
The garden will have been watered by seven
This programme will have been finished in a few days.
Form -
the form of the passive voice in the form of Verbs are as follows:
Passive Sentences Using 'MUST'.
Mush passive sentences using be
+ past participle. Example sentences using
the passive Must like this:
This plan must be carried out.
This fish must be stored in the refrigerator.
Our children must be educated.
The law must be obeyed.
Passive Sentences Using ‘CAN’.
the passive voice Can be +
past participle. Can use the passive voice examples
as below:
They can’t be cheated.
Information can be obtained from them.
This film can be seen by children.
My motorbike can be borrowed.
Passive Sentences Using 'MAY'.
Passive sentences using May be + past participle. Examples of passive sentences using May as below:
Badminton may be played by children.
This medicine may be taken before meal.
The radio may be turned on.
The flowers may not be picked.
This article may be translated into Indonesian.
Passive Sentences Using ‘GOD’.
Rumus: God + Past
He god upset by bad news.
Our ship god damaged by a big storm.
His finger god squashed in the door.
The walls of the building were cracked by the explosion.
The cake god burned.
He god blamed for the mistake.
Passive Sentences Using ‘BY’.
In the passive
voice, if we want to say who is doing or what causes an act
then use ‘by’.
We are protected by god.
Bob has been kissed by jane.
I am often disturbed by the noise.
Thus story was inspired by his adventures.
Passive Sentences Using ‘SUPPOSED TO’.
Supposed to
frequently present in the passive voice has
several meanings according to the
given context.
Denny is supposed to talk with animals.
Mr Collins is much better
after his illness but he’s still not supposed
to do any heavy work.
What are they doing at home?
They are supposed to be at school.
Oh dear! I was supposed to phone rita but I completely
Let’s go and see that film.
It is supposed to be very good.
Passive Sentences Using ‘BORN’.
Born is
usually a passive verb in the past tense by
using was / were + born, but born can also be used
in the form of the simple present.
Where were you born?
I was born in manila.
When was david born?
When were the famous people born?
assive sentences in any other form is as follows:

That man seems to be trusted.
It’s tiring to be criticized very often.
The young man deserves to be respected by his neighbors.
There’s no very much to be gained by waiting.
It’s nice to be accompanied by a pretty girl.
What jane wants is to be praised by her boyfriend.

He is interested in being promoted.
Jack is afraid of being scratched by the cat.
I’m looking forward to being greeted by Nancy.
Janet is fond of being told about love stories.
People object to being humiliated.

John said he would be sent to the station at three o’clock.
Mr. Green told me that his daughter was being
Peter stated that he had been influenced by his wife’s ambition.
The inspector told us that the name of the suspect
was known.

Mrs. Reed is very old. It is said that she is 115 years old.
She is said to
be 115 years old.
It is said that
nine men were arrested in the riot.
It is believed that the thieves god in through the kitchen window.
The thieves are believed to have got in through the kitchen window.
Kevin is said to eat
ten eggs a day.

He wants to have his photograph taken.
Michael will have his coat cleaned.
Kevin is going to the
optician to have his eyes tested.
Alex has just had a telephone
installed in his house.
Your hair is too long. I
think you should have it cut.
Sasian Fenie. Kamus SMART
Grammar – Tenses. 2004. Bintang Indonesia. Jakarta.
Supono Idi. English Grammar.
2008. Wahyumedia. Jakarta.
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