Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011


One day, a man named Romy get the task of leading and famous dijakarta campus. Romy told the campus to investigate how to preserve the garden strowberi.
Then on to the next morning. He went to town bandung flower city nicknames. Romy was up at night at 8 Malem. Romy was confusion when going to stay where. Then romy also met a beautiful girl and beautiful.

The woman named Flower. Then invite Romy interest to stay at his house. Romy was not able to sleep at home rates. Romy dwell in a corner terrace house flowers. Flowers had approached romy. Flowers also said there is what romy. Why you can not sleep. Then romy said: "I can not sleep in because I think one thing that should menyeleseikan task of campus strowberi me to examine the fruit. Then Flowers was answered: "If the problem is easy. In the area of ​​the garden beside the house I have strowberi, you can do the job that you campus. " Then romy said: "Thank you flower I do not know what to have to reply with your kindness.

Flower said: "It is not a problem for me, every human being rather than have to help each other-help when there is more trouble. Romy replied: "Ok if begito is."
On her next morning. Romy and rushed straight to the flower garden strowberi, There Romy learn to how to plant seeds strowberi well, then he learned how North also reap strowberi how well and correctly. Because if there is any mistake can lead to strowberi tree was dead.

And finally all romy task was completed. And before the next day ready romy back to Jakarta. Romy took flowers to the streets to the place of the most beautiful and romantic. There romy mengasih surprise to the flower that is a place filled with flowers. They are both very happy, and they were very jubilant.

And tomorrow morning romy give a small box to the flowers. Romy and deliver flowers to the terminal. Romy and parted flowers in terminal as well.

On the night of his gift box romy open interest, and the contents of the box stating that the affection and love romy really of interest. And interest was puzzled that he wanted to meet with romy. But the flowers did not know the address of romy house in jakarta

1 year passed:
Romy house and came to flower. And the flowers were very happy once upon arrival romy. And there they hugged each other because they both do not want to split up again for a long time.
And finally romy even graduated from college. And now living in the house romy interest. Romy was already working. Romy directly apply interest to become his wife. Romy and flowers married man she had 3 boys and 2 girls,

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